What's New in Version 15?

Here is a summary of new features in Report Designer Online Edition v15. There are also links to What's New in previous versions.

Click here to see information about new features in previous versions.

New User Interface

AutoTag Ribbon

What Changed? Link
Look and feel
User Interface Reference
Renamed "Variables" button "Input Parameters" (was formerly in Manager Tab)
[Input Parameters]
Removed the Select Statement Field (it's now only in the Tag Editor Query Tab) to allow advanced functionality with the bigger window instead of a small text box on the ribbon
Tag Editor Reference
Copied the "Help""Sample Templates" and "Windward Tutor" buttons from AutoTag Manager into a new AutoTag Help section
User Interface Reference
Renamed the "Evaluate" button as "Preview"
User Interface Reference
Moved the "Equation" button into the Data section in AutoTag Manager
User Interface Reference
Moved the "Output" button (still in same ribbon)
User Interface Reference

AutoTag Manager Ribbon

What Changed? Link
Moved the "Validate", "DataCount" and "Debug" buttons from AutoTag Tab into the Data section in AutoTag Manager
User Interface Reference
Moved the "Equation" button into the Data section in AutoTag Manager
User Interface Reference
The "Data Source" button now has Status Indicators (green, yellow, red)
Connecting to a Data Source 

Connecting to a Data Source

What Changed? Link
New single interface replaces two separate dialog boxes
Connecting to a Data Source

Rename a Data Source

What Changed? Link
All Tags using a renamed data source will be automatically updated with the new name

Tag Editor/Tag Selector

What Changed? Link
Removed the top Tags Tab Tag Editor Reference
Added a Query tab as a field for typing or pasting in a select statement
  • (Removed Query DD)
  • Color Coding of Keywords
  • TypeAhead
  • "Evaluate" is now "Preview"
Tag Editor Reference
Moved Tag Properties into a Tab next to the Query Tab Tag Editor Reference

Generate Code

What Changed? Link
New Tab navigation at top
[Generate Code Article]
Added additional menu options, color schemes, font sizes
[Generate Code Article]

SQL Select Debugger

What Changed? Link
Look and Feel

Stored Procedure Wizard
[Using Stored Procedures]
Improved exceptions window

Data Tree

What Changed? Link
Now includes a preview of data

PDF Improvements

What Changed? Link
Even better PDF output

XPath 2.0 as a Data Source

What Changed? Link
Added various capabilities such as inequalities, descending sorts, joins, and other functions
What's new in XPath 2.0? 

Previous Versions

Here are links to What's New in previous versions:

[Version 14]

[Version 13]

[Version 12]

[Version 11]

[Version 10]

[Version 9]

[Version 8]

[Version 7]

[Version 6]

[Version 5]

[Version 4]


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