How Do I Use the New Bitmaps and Charts in 16.2?
Charts and bitmaps received an upgrade in Report Designer 16.2.0, especially in Excel and PowerPoint. While the code was updated for all three, the user functionality for Word did not change. Word templates already worked with Chart and Bitmap Tags in templates as discrete objects, but in Excel and PowerPoint charts and bitmaps were still managed in the template as Text Tags. In 16.2.0, charts and bitmaps are discrete OOXML objects in Excel and PowerPoint, like they have been in Word.
Having charts and bitmaps as objects in the template means they can be exactly positioned by the template designer as well as having many properties applied to them.
Working with Charts and Bitmaps in Excel
In Excel, a bitmap is still placed as an Out or Import Text Tag.

Opening the Tag Editor on the Out or Import Tag and setting the type to “BITMAP” will change that Tag into a discrete OOXML object.

The new OOXML object will be placed in the template overlapping the cell where the Out or Import Tag was originally placed.

To edit a Chart or bitmap image Tag in Excel, select the Tag, then click on the “Refresh Tags” button in the ribbon.

Notice that after selecting the bitmap image Tag, the “Edit Tag” button on the ribbon is not enabled. Clicking on the “Refresh Tags” button will update the selection to show the bitmap image Tag as selected, and enable the "Edit Tag" button.

Previewing the Tag will display the bitmap image returned by the Tag's query...

...and update the image in the template to the same size as the previewed image.

Generating output from the template will offset all bitmap images in the output from the position of their cell according to the position of the Tag in the template.

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