How Do I Use the Condition Wizard?

The Condition Wizard button is a shortcut to the condition section of the Select Wizards. It is used to apply an additional filter to a Tag that is already using a SQL, JsonPath or XPath query.

It is a context-sensitive button, which will open the appropriate type of Condition Wizard, based on the Tag's query.

Open the Condition Wizard

Select a Tag, then click on the "Condition Wizard" button on the Windward tab of the Office ribbon:

The Condition Wizard for SQL Queries

See How Do I Create a Select Statement With the SQL Wizard? to use the Condition Wizard for SQL queries.

The Condition Wizard for JsonPath Queries

See How Do I Create a Select Statement With the JsonPath Wizard? to use the Condition Wizard for JsonPath queries.

The Condition Wizard for XPath Queries

See How Do I Create a Select Statement With the XPath Wizard? to use the Condition Wizard for XPath queries.


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