How Do I Add a Comment to My Template?

This article will explain how to add a comment to your template using the Designer. 

At Windward, we try to use as much of the native Word functionality as possible to make the template development experience more natural for Word users. The native Word comments are the recommended way of commenting a template. 

Insert or delete a comment

Attaching your comments to specific parts of a document makes your feedback more clear. If someone else is commenting on the document, replying to their comments lets you have a discussion, even when you're not all in the document at the same time.

  1. Select the content that you want to comment on.
  2. Go to Review > New Comment.

3. Type your comment. If you want to make changes to any of your comments, just go back and edit them.

4. To reply to a comment, go to the comment, and select Reply.

Your comments will not show when you generate output of your template, but keep in mind that it's possible for others to view/edit your comments. 

Comments in an Office document are stored in the template, so anyone with edit access to your template can edit your comment.


Add your comment

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