Windward Functions Reference

Here is a complete listing of every supported Windward function.

We start with a brief discussion about the data types used by Windward functions. Then there are tables of Windward functions by category. Links are provided that can be used to jump forward to a specific category of functions.

Windward functions and equations can be written from scratch in the Query Tab of Tags. But the Equation Editor makes writing functions easier, and should be used whenever possible.

Data Types

Windward functions use a variety of data types. Using the correct data types is very important to ensure the functions return the expected results.

Along with function names and descriptions, function signatures (the data type returned by a function, and the data types of the function arguments) are included in the tables below. Here are descriptions of the data types referred to:

Boolean - the logical values true or false

char - a single character

dataset - a set of values (rows or nodes) returned by a SQL, XPath or JSONPath query

date - a string interpreted as a fully-typed date; e.g. ISO 8601 date time format

datetime - a Windward datetime object. Typed dates from the datasource, and dates stored in a template variable of type date will be of this type.

datetimespan - a span of time in years, months and days returned by DATESPAN()

null - a special data type that represents no value

number -  a number with zero or more decimal places (integer or double)

range - an unordered, comma-delimited list of values, e.g. "1,3,2", "${var1},${var3},${var2}"

string - a sequence of characters

variable -  a template variable, Input Parameter or the named variable used by the ADDTOTAL() and GETTOTAL() functions. Refer to a template variable or Input Parameter by using the "${VariableName}" syntax.

Functions List

Use these links to jump forward to a specific category of functions:

Date & Time

Math & Trig






Date & Time

date DATE(number year, number month, number day)
Returns a fully-typed date with the given year, month and day.
number DATEDIF(date start_date, date end_date, string 'D'|'M'|'MD'|'YD'|'YM')
Calculates the number of days, months, or years between two dates.
datetimespan DATESPAN(number years, number months, number days)
Can be added to a fully-typed date to offset it.
number DATEVALUE(number year, number month, number day)
Returns the serial number of the given date, using the 1900 date system.
number DAY(datetime n)
Returns the day of the given date.
number DAYS(datetime firstDate, datetime secondDate)
Returns the number of days between two given dates.
number HOUR(datetime n)
Returns the hour of the given datetime.
number MINUTE(datetime n)
Returns the minutes of the datetime.
number MONTH(datetime n)
Returns the month of the given datetime.
date now()
Returns the current time formatted as a fully-typed date and time.
number SECOND(datetime n)
Returns the seconds of the given datetime.
date TIME(number hour, number minute, number second)
Returns the time of the given hour, minute and second as a fully-typed date.
datetimespan TIMESPAN(number hours, number minutes, number seconds)
Can be added to a time to offset it.
number timevalue(number hour, number minute, number second)
Returns the decimal number of the time.
TIMEZONE string TIMEZONE(datetime)
  1. When a datetime object has an explicit time zone, the zone ID is returned. A list of zone IDs can be found at this link  ( ), EX: "America/Denver"
  2. When a datetime contains a UTC offset but no timezone, the time offset is returned.
  3. When a datetime contains no timezone or offset, UTC time is assumed as the timezone. The TIMEZONE macro will return a "Z" to indicate UTC time.
Added in version 16.3.0
Note: For some datetimes with a timezone, the Java API does not return the timezone following the standard cited above. In these cases, we are restricted by the capabilities of the Java API and the output will be a timezone offset from GMT.
string TODAY()
Returns the current date in the UTC timezone.

The local time conversion of a UTC time to the machines current timezone. Be sure that the input datetime is in the UTC "timezone."

Added in version 16.1.0
number WEEKDAY(number year, number month, number day)
Returns a number representing the day of the week of the given date, where Monday is day 1.
number WEEKNUM(number year, number month, number day)
Returns the week number of a specific date.
number YEAR(datetime n)
Returns the year of the given datetime.
number YEARFRAC(number year1, number month1, number day1, number year2, number month2, number day2)
Returns the fraction of the year represented by the number of whole days between two dates.
OFFSETTOTALMINUTES OFFSETTOTALMINUTES(datetime n) Returns the total minutes that the time is offset from UTC. Return value could be a positive or a negative integer.

Added in 16.5.0
TOUCTTIME datetime TOUTCTIME(datetime n) Returns the equivalent datetime in UTC.
UTCNOW datetime UTCNOW() Returns the current datetime in UTC.
WORKD.INTL number WORKD.INTL(number year, number month, number day, number days_passed, number weekend) Returns the date (in 1900 date system), after a specified number of workdays pass with custom weekend length.
WORKDAY datetime WORKDAY(number year, number month, number day, number days_passed) Returns the datetime after a specified number of workdays pass.

Math & Trig

Name Signature Description
number ABS(number n)
Returns the absolute value of a number.
string BASE(number n, number radix, number min_length)
Converts a number into a text representation with the given radix (base).
string BASE64DECODE(string s)
Decodes a base64-encoded image.
number CEILING(number n, number significance)
Returns a number rounded up, away from zero to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance.
number DECIMAL(string text, number radix)
Converts a text representation of a number in a given base into a decimal number.
number DEGREES(number radians)
Converts radians into degrees.
number EVEN(number n)
Returns number rounded up to the nearest even integer.
number FACT(number n)
Returns the factorial of a number. The factorial is equal to 1*2*3**number.
number FLOOR(number n, number m)
Returns a number rounded down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of significance.
Boolean ISEVEN(number n)
Returns true if n is even, or false if n is odd.
ISODD Boolean ISODD(number n)
Returns true if the number is odd, false otherwise
PI number PI() Returns the number pi (3.14...) accurate to 15 digits.
number ODD(number n)
Returns a number rounded up to the nearest odd integer.
number POWER(number n, number power)
Returns the result of the number raised to a power.
number QUOTIENT(number dividend, number divisor)
Returns the integer portion of a division.
number RAND()
Returns an evenly distributed random real number greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.
number RANDBETWEEN(number bottom, number top)
Returns a random integer between the specified numbers.
number ROUND(number n, number num_digits)
Returns a number rounded to a specified number of digits.
number SEC(number angle)
The given angle should be in radians, returns the secant of that angle in degrees.
number STANDARDIZE(number n, number mean, number standard_dev)
Returns a normalized value for a given value n and a distribution characterized by mean and standard_dev. Uses the formula for Standard Score.
number STDEV(number n, number m, )
Returns the standard deviation of group of numbers.
number STDEVA(string|number|Boolean n, string|number|Boolean m, ...)
Returns the standard deviation of group of numbers
number STDEVP(number n, number m, ...)
Returns the standard deviation of the given arguments based on the entire population.
number STDEVPA(string|number|Boolean n, string|number|Boolean m, ...)
Returns the standard deviation of the given arguments based on the entire population.
number SQRT(number n)
Returns the square root of the number.
number SUM(number n, number m, ...)
Adds all the numbers in a range of values.
number SUMPRODUCT(range r1, range r2, ...)
Multiplies corresponding components in the given ranges, and returns the sum of those products.


Name Signature Description
ADDTOTAL(number n, variable 'var')
Adds a number to a running total held in a named variable.
number AVEDEV(number n, number m, ...)
Returns the average of the absolute deviations of data points from their mean.
number AVERAGE(number|range|variable n, number|range|variable m, ...)
Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of its arguments, which can be numbers, ranges or variable references that contain numbers.
Returns the number of times each element in bin_range was repeated in the specified data_range.

Removed in 16.5.0
number COUNT(range r)
number COUNT(number n, number m, ...)
Counts the number of values in a range or a list of numbers.
number GETTOTAL(variable 'var')
Return the value of a running total held in a named variable.
number MAX(number n, number m, ...)
Returns the largest value in a set of values.
number MEDIAN(number n, number m, ...)
Returns the median of the given numbers. The median is the number in the middle of a set of numbers.
number MIN(number n, number m, ...)
Returns the smallest value in a set of values.
number PERCENTILE.EXC(number n, number m, number k)
Returns the k-th percentile of values in a range, where k is in the range 0..1, exclusive.
number PERCENTILE.INC(number n, number m, number k)
Returns the k-th percentile of values in a range, where k is in the range 0..1, inclusive.
number PERCENTILERANK.EXC(number n, number m, number x)
Returns the rank of a value in a range as a percentage (0..1, exclusive) of the dataset.
number PERCENTILERANK.INC(number n, number m, number x)
Returns the rank of a value in a range as a percentage (0..1, inclusive) of the dataset.
number MULTIPLICATION(dataset d)
Returns the multiplication of all the values in a dataset.


Name Signature Description
dataset DATA(string "text")
Returns a dataset using the string "text". Note "text" must be enclosed in double quotes.
date DATEDATA(string query, string pattern)
Returns a fully-typed date using the dataset returned by query and using pattern to read in dates in a non-standard format.
null NULL()
Returns the NULL value. Primarily used to compare against the value returned by DATA() or DATEDATA().


Name Signature Description
char CHAR(number ascii_code)
Returns the character specified by the ASCII code.
string CONCATENATE(string s, string t, ...)
Joins two or more text strings into one string and returns that string.
Boolean CONTAINS(string within_text, string find_text)
Returns true if the string within_text contains the string find_text; otherwise returns false.
number INDEXOF(string within_text, string find_text)
Returns the first index of one string within another string.
number LASTIFNDEXOF(string within_text, string find_text)
Returns the last index of find_text within within_text.
string LEFT(string text, number length)
Returns length characters beginning from the left end of string text.
number LEN(string text)
Returns the number of characters in a string.
string LOWER(string text)
Converts all letters in a string to lowercase.
string MID(string text, number start, number length)
Returns the characters from the middle of a text string, give a starting position and length.
number NUMBERVALUE(string text, char decimal_separator, char thousands_separator)
Converts text to a number in a locale-independent way.
string PROPER(string text)
Capitalizes the first letter in a text string and any other letters in text that follow a character other than a letter. Converts all other letters to lowercase letters.
string REGEXEXTRACT(string text, string regex)
Extracts matching substrings according to a regular expression.
Boolean REGEXMATCH(string text, string regex)
Returns true if a piece of text matches a regular expression, false otherwise.
string REGEXREPLACE(string text, string regex, string replace_text)
Replaces a part of a text string with a different text string using a regular expression.
string REPLACE(string text, string pattern, string replacement, Boolean ignoreCase)
Replaces each substring of the text with the replacement.
string RIGHT(string text, number num_chars)
Returns length characters beginning from the right end of string text.
number SEARCH(string search_text, string text, number start_pos)
Returns the position of the character at which a specific character or text string is first found, beginning with start_pos (optional).
string SUBSTITUTE(string text, string old_text, string new_text, number instance_num)
Replaces each substring of the text with the replacement. instance_num (optional) specifies which occurrence of old_text to replace.
string SUBSTRING(string text, number start_num, number end_num)
Returns the characters from the middle of a text string, given a starting position and an ending position.
string TEXT(number|date value, string format)
Converts a numeric or date value to text and lets you specify the display formatting by using special format strings.

Note: This macro does not support fractions as inputs. instead, use the decimal form of the number.
string TRIM(string s)
Returns the string with the whitespace removed from the beginning and the end.
string UPPER(string s)
Converts a text string to all uppercase letters.
string URLDECODE(string url)
Decodes the URL according to RFC2396. Returns the decoded URL.
string URLENCODE(string url)
Encodes the URL according to RFC2396. Returns the encoded URL.
number VALUE(string text)
Converts a text string to a number.
string XPATH(string xml, string xpath)
Performs an XPath select on the given XML.


Name Signature Description
Boolean FALSE()
Returns the logical value false.
number|string IF(Boolean expr, number|string value_if_true, number|string value_if_false)
Evaluates expr and returns one value if expr is true, or returns another value if expr is false.
number|string|dataset IFERROR(number|string|dataset value, number|string|dataset value_if_error)
Tests if evaluating the first argument returns an error; and if so, returns the second argument; else returns the first argument.
Boolean ISNUMBER(<any data type> value)
Returns true if value is a number; otherwise returns false.
Boolean TRUE()
Returns the logical value true.


Name Signature Description
range RANGE(string|number|variable x, string|number|variable y, ...)
Returns a range (unordered, comma-delimited list) of values.
RANGEARRAY range RANGEARRAY(number|date start, number|date end, (optional) number step_size, (optional) unit) Returns an array of values from start (inclusive) to end (inclusive), default step size is 1.
DISTINCT array DISTINCT(array source) Returns an identical array to the source array with all duplicate values removed.