How Do I Schedule Reports for Solo?
Solo can schedule reports to be run recurring basis. Once you have formed your Batch Select and utilized the data from your batch select in developing your template, now it is time to schedule our output.
For this demo, I will use the Solo template made using the steps in article: ------------------------------------------------ If you have not yet read this article on how to use the Batch Select Wizard to make templates in Solo, please review it first.
Step 1: Click Batch Output Scheduler
Under the “Windward Tools” ribbon click the button “Batch Output Scheduler.” This will create a new schedule to run this report on.
Click ‘Next’ to proceed

Step 2: Give your schedule a Title and Description
For every schedule a title is required. Give your schedule a descriptive title that will allow you to easily identify it in the future. Any additional details you would like to define for the schedule you can include in an optional description.

Step 3: Schedule Specific Batch Filter
The Schedule Specific Batch Filter allows you to further narrow your Batch Select. As an example, imagine you make two different schedules for two regions. For each schedule, you can add a filter to the batch select in the Schedule Specific Batch Filter to filter your query by a specified region. Using this functionality, you can produce different sets of reports for different schedules.

For this example, we will not add a Schedule Specific Bath Filter, but you can review to this article for more information on using this functionality: -----------------------------------
Step 4: Select Output Format
Select the format you would like to output your report to. Different template types limit what formats they can output too. For example, a PowerPoint template cannot output to the xlsx type. For our example we will output to the DOCX format.

Step 5: Set Recurrence
Now is time to determine the schedule you would like to output on. Use the “Set Recurrence” dialog to specify the schedule you would like this template to be output on. Keep in mind, you can set multiple schedules to output an individual template, so if you have multiple complex schedules to output the template on, it might be convenient to try and set multiple schedules instead of doing it in a single schedule.

Step 6: Set Delivery Options
Here you can specify your delivery options for the schedule. If you have an email server setup for Solo (see article ---------------------------------------------- on how to setup your email server) then you can specify recipients to receive output by email. You can alternatively specify a location on your desktop to output reports too.

Checking the “Save Last” checkbox and specifying an integer will delete the oldest generated report stored at your file location when the specified number of reports are exceeded.
Step 7: Finish
On the “Finish” screen, checking the “Run once now” option will run the output for your schedule options in the present moment.

Since we used the “Run once now” checkbox, we see that the reports were delivered successfully to our specified output location.

If when you try to run your reports, you are notified that your server is not running, try performing the steps in this article to fix the issue: ----------------------------
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