Windward DocumentationWindward DesignerDesigner for Microsoft OfficeFAQsHow Do I Transition my PPTX Templates to 16.2.0 Charts and Bitmaps?

How Do I Transition my PPTX Templates to 16.2.0 Charts and Bitmaps?

In version 16.2.0, charts and bitmaps were transitioned from in-line text Tags to actual chart/bitmap objects in Excel and PowerPoint. More details can be found on this topic in the article How Do I Use the New Bitmaps and Charts in 16.2?

This article will cover how you can transition an existing PPTX template to new Charts/Bitmap Tags.

Transitioning Templates in PPTX

While transitioning your harts/bitmaps to new charts/bitmaps in 16.2.0 will give you more formatting functionality, charts/bitmaps as in-line text Tags will be evaluated exactly the same in versions 16.2.0 -> 16.3.0 as they were in previous versions.

In PowerPoint, transitioning templates requires re-saving each Chart Tag and Bitmap Tag in the template. Simply:

  1. Open the template
  2. Open a Chart/Bitmap Tag in the editor by clicking "Edit Tag"
    1. By Chart, we refer to Chart Tags
    2. By Bitmap, we refer to either an Out Tag or an Import Tag with the assigned type BITMAP
  3. Save the Tag from the editor.

After saving the Tag, the chart/bitmap will appear in the template as a chart/bitmap object. 

  1. Position your chart/bitmap in the template where you would like it to be. The chart/bitmap will be placed in the middle of the slide its text tag was on, but not necessarily where you want it to be output.
  2. Repeat this process for all of the charts and bitmaps in your template.


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