20.0.0 Automatic Data Schema Reference

An Automatic Data Schema saves users time by building a Data Schema automatically. Data Schema's existed in the past, and would save the data's schema, necessary for rendering the Data Tree, locally instead of needing to re-query this information every time the template was opened or the data was connected. Data Schema's are now saved automatically.  This article explains how to use Automatic Data Schema in Windward Products. 

Changes in Version 20.0

Data Schema's are now generated automatically for all users unless otherwise specified. 

What is a Data Schema?

A Data Schema file specifies the schema for data connected to a template so that the users data can be displayed in the Data Tree found in many places in the Windward Designer.

Why use an Automatic Data Schema?

The first time the data is connected, the connection may take some time. This is because the Designer needs to query the Datasource or Dataset to understand the structure of the data. With the Automatic Data Schema feature, users only need to wait for the Data Schema to be built the first time they connect to the data and when they update the Datasource or Dataset in the Connection Editor and will have a much faster experience with subsequent connections to the same Datasource or Dataset.

This functionality was available in prior versions manually and for SQL only as the build schema method for connecting to large SQL DBs. The local metadata is now stored in the following directory:


How to Disable Automatic Data Schemas

Users with the "Do not store" security setting will not have a Data Schema file built for the connection 

Please read more about "Do not store" here before making this change: Learn More

  1. Go to the Windward Tools ribbon > Options > Advanced > Data Source Credentials
  2. Set to "Do not store"


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